Business Administration for Veterinarians

BWL III – Pricing

BWL III – Pricing

  • apply the GOT correctly;
  • Adjusting screws for profit = sales minus costs. Break even.
  • What potential for increases and savings is there?
  • What's more beneficial in the end: saving 5% in costs or generating 5% more sales?
  • Complete billing and prices (GOT, AMPreisV);
  • How does an invoice have to look?
  • Secure liquidity through immediate cashing or factoring

One break of 30 minutes each

Speakers : Dipl.-Ök. Sven Jan Arndt, LL.M., CIA / TE Susanne Arndt

Language : German

Single price BWL III: 149 EUR plus 19% VAT.

Complete price for all 9 courses : EUR 999 plus 19% VAT.

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