There is no shame in not knowing anything, but there is shame in not wanting to learn anything.

Veterinary training from doc4pets
From veterinarians from the practice for the practice

Face-to-face courses

Get off to a successful start with our practical classroom courses in veterinary medicine. Learn from experienced lecturers and acquire the knowledge you need for your career. Veterinary medical training offers in-depth training and optimal preparation for daily practice.

Weekend courses in veterinary medicine

Our weekend courses in veterinary medicine offer practical training for working professionals. Learn from experienced lecturers and acquire the knowledge you need for your career in veterinary medicine. With our flexible timetables, you can optimally integrate your training into your everyday work.

Online course components

Discover our online courses in veterinary medicine and learn flexibly from anywhere. Our courses offer in-depth training and optimal preparation for everyday working life. Learn at your own pace and receive support from our experienced lecturers. Invest in your future in veterinary medicine.

Our modern premises for intensive training in Idar-Oberstein, Carl-Benz-Str. 21, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
Vet Susanne Arndt, founder of the doc4pets group

Industry partner

In their profession, veterinarians are always required to stay up to date and expand their specialist knowledge. Veterinary training offers an opportunity to find out about current developments and innovations in veterinary medicine and to deepen your own knowledge. In this article you will find out what veterinary training is, what types there are and what advantages they have for veterinarians.

What are veterinary training courses?

Veterinary training courses are special training courses and courses aimed at veterinarians and designed to expand specialist knowledge and skills. These training courses offer the opportunity to deal with new scientific findings, modern diagnostic and treatment methods as well as current legal and organizational requirements.

What are the advantages of veterinary training?

Veterinary training offers many benefits for veterinarians and their patients. This includes:

  • Improving professional competency : By participating in continuing education, veterinarians can expand their expertise and stay abreast of new developments in veterinary medicine.
  • Increasing attractiveness on the labor market : Veterinarians who undergo regular training are more attractive to employers because they have up-to-date and broad specialist knowledge.
  • Increased patient safety : Increased expertise allows veterinarians to make better diagnoses and select the right treatment methods
  • Increasing patient satisfaction : When veterinarians have up-to-date and broad specialist knowledge, they can also better respond to the needs of their patients and thus achieve higher patient satisfaction.

Opportunity to exchange ideas with other veterinarians: Further training offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues and share experiences. This can help gain new perspectives and improve your own practices.

Fulfillment of legal requirements: Veterinarians are required by law to undergo regular training in order to maintain their professional license. Participation in veterinary training meets these requirements.


Veterinarian training is an important part of the ongoing training of veterinarians. By taking part in further training, veterinarians can expand their specialist knowledge, keep up to date with new developments in veterinary medicine and thus contribute to better patient care. There are different types of training that can be chosen depending on your needs and interests. Participation in veterinary training offers many advantages and is also required by law.

What types of veterinary training are there?

There are different types of veterinary training that can be chosen depending on the needs and interests of the veterinarian. This includes:

Seminars and workshops:

These are short events that usually take place over a weekend and are dedicated to a specific topic. For example, it can be about a specific disease, diagnosis or treatment method.

Congresses and symposiums:

At these events, veterinarians from different regions meet and exchange ideas about current developments in veterinary medicine. Scientific lectures as well as discussions and workshops can take place here.

E-learning and online training:

This type of training can be carried out at any time and from anywhere. Various learning methods such as videos, podcasts or webinars are used.

Certificate courses / ATF-recognized courses:

These training courses serve to deepen and expand knowledge in a specific subject area. They usually include several modules and can last from a few weeks to several months.


How often should you take part in veterinary training?
Veterinarians should continue their training at least every two years to keep their specialist knowledge current. However, there are also legal regulations that require a certain number of training hours within a certain period of time.

How do I find suitable veterinary training courses?
There are various ways to find suitable veterinary training courses. This includes, for example, searching on the Internet, attending conferences and symposiums or receiving recommendations from colleagues.

Are veterinary training courses chargeable?
Yes, veterinary training courses are generally subject to a fee. However, the costs can vary depending on the type of training and provider.